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Music Mania 411--happy hoidays!!!!!

Movie time

Here are some movies that I've seen and how i rate them. if u have movies you've seen and want to rate to tha'll be cool just email me.

American Pie 2
this movie rocked i still cant figure which is funnier the first or the second. this movie i saw on my first date with my boyfriend. I'm galde it was with him. this moviewould be for like 14-28 year olds it gets sexual. but its funnier than hell. i give it a ten

A film reel; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Scary Movie 2
ok this one plan sucked. dont waste your money on it. they'er werrre a few funny parts but thats it seriously. dont bother
i give it a 10 without the 0

Rat Race
this moviei thought was gonna be stupid (so did my boyfriend) but it was great. the beggining tells you tis gonna be funny, this one had to be the bset!
i give it a 20